sample assignments

Paper format
6 double spaced
10 sources
Paper details
Topic:Mental health case study report.
Instructions • Describe the presenting symptoms of Razzaq and explain how a Registered Nurse and other healthcare professionals can assist Razzaq and his family in his recovery and ongoing management. • Explore and discuss three mental health assessments required to assess Razzaq. • Succinctly discuss the interventions to safely manage Razzaq’s PTSD. Include medical, psychosocial and nursing care interventions to improve his well-being. • Critically analyse and explain the ethical and legal principles that need to be considered when delivering patient centered care. • Identify cultural needs and discuss culturally evidence based care for Razzaq.
Razzaq’s Case Study Essay / Report
Length: 1500 words ± 10%
The assignment requires you to read Razzaq’s Case study and write the essay using instructions below the case study.
• This assignment is a piece of academic writing and needs to be structured as such, with an introduction, content, conclusion and use sub-headings as required.
• You will need to provide academic evidence from peer-reviewed research throughout the essay to support the points you make and the examples you provide.
• Use the marking criteria to guide you about aspects of presentation.

Razzaq’s Case Study

Razzaq came to Australia as a refugee from Iraq. After escaping Saddam Hussein’s regime and a hair-raising trip in an overcrowded boat, he was held in a detention centre for two years. He was then given a temporary visa for another three years, suffering constant fear that he would be sent back to Iraq. Finally, he received a permanent visa, and recently his wife and family have joined him in Australia.
Razzaq has times when he suddenly becomes very afraid when something quite minor happens like when his wife turns on the washing machine without telling him or he hears a car backfire in the distance. It reminds him of some of the noises from the war. He gets very angry and often yells at his wife and has even hit her once or twice. Sometimes he also yells at the children for very minor things. He feels very guilty then and tells himself that he is a bad husband and father. He often convinces himself that they would be better off without him because of these unpredictable attacks and then hides away for days because of the guilt. He only sleeps a few hours a night because of the awful nightmares.
The doctor listened to the story and then asked if there is anyone who disagrees with this view he has about himself. Razzaq told a story about someone he met the other day who knew him before the war. They talked about what a good journalist he had been and how difficult it was when your brain didn’t work like it used to because of all the awful pictures in it. The friend congratulated him on getting himself and his whole family out of the country safely and said what a good father and husband he must be. He came home and told his wife about the friend and she cried and said that he was a good husband and father and this madness would never take that away.
The doctor encouraged this view of himself as being the ‘real’ Razzaq. They discussed how PTSD had clouded this picture and how guilt, depression and social isolation were making it worse. They also discussed how strong his love was for his family, as he was so upset and guilty when he hurt them. Razzaq’s wife was asked to join the consultation and the three began building a new picture of how Razzaq could distract himself from the anger with such things as exercise and music, how the triggers in the household could be decreased, how socialising with people who knew this ‘real’ Razzaq would help him to be stronger and how he needed constantly to remind himself about his love, courage and perseverance. With his wife’s help he was able to forgive himself when he had an angry outburst or found it impossible to concentrate, and he began to feel safer to play and laugh with his children.
From: Mental Health Across Cultures (Benson & Thistlethwaite, Radcliffe Publishing, 2009, pp.85-86)
• Describe the presenting symptoms of Razzaq and explain how a Registered Nurse and other healthcare professionals can assist Razzaq and his family in his recovery and ongoing management.
• Explore and discuss three mental health assessments required to assess Razzaq.
• Succinctly discuss the interventions to safely manage Razzaq’s PTSD. Include medical, psychosocial and nursing care interventions to improve his well-being.
• Critically analyse and explain the ethical and legal principles that need to be considered when delivering patient centered care.
• Identify cultural needs and discuss culturally evidence based care for Razzaq.
Essay presentation
For this assignment you are required to write an essay:
• Provide an introduction that explains the purpose of the essay and how it is organized.
• End the essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes the arguments presented in the body of the essay.
• The purpose of an introduction is to provide a road map for the reader. In contrast, the purpose of the conclusion is to summarize the main points and provide direction for how to proceed in the future.
• You should use sub-headings to structure your essay.
• You should write in complete sentences (i.e. do not use dot points).
• If you choose to insert a Table or Figure into your essay you will need to make sure the Table or Figure adheres to APA (6 Ed.) style.
• The writing style in an essay is more formal than verbal speech. Make sure you do not write as you would speak.
• The essay must be written in the third person. Please note: the word “I” is not used when writing in the third person.
• Paraphrase information and only be use quotes if the information cannot be written any other way.
• Make sure you reference your work. Every statement of fact needs an in-text reference and as a general rule every paragraph in an essay should have at least one in-text reference.
• Pay attention to how you structure your sentences and paragraphs. A sentence contains one piece of information. Alternatively, a paragraph contains more than one sentence but deals with only one topic. Do not try to put too little or too much information into a paragraph because doing this is confusing for the reader.
• Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. It is important to proof read your work before submission.
• Include a reference list on a separate page at the end of the report.