Structure, Style and Referencing

Structure, Style and Referencing
When preparing and writing your group research paper, you should bear in mind the assessment criteria: use of a logical structure; communicate complex issues clearly in writing; identify areas of debate wherever relevant; critically analyse and discuss relevant issues, and evidence of good research. Your group research paper should comprise an introduction, body and conclusion. It would be good if you could make use of headings and subheadings as that would make your discussion easier to follow and generally would lift up presentation.
It is expected your research paper will contain a brief review of the literature (articles, books etc) on your chosen topic and discuss the ideas and arguments expressed in the literature. Discussions need to flow logically and they have to be adequately supported by authorities (eg, scholarly journals and books, specific sections of relevant laws and cases).
. You are required to reference scholarly journals and books,
Your research paper needs to be referenced properly. Footnoting is the required referencing style. You must not mix footnoting with other referencing style.  
Topic: Foreign investors operating in China’s capital market
The paper will examine the conduct of capital market businesses by foreign investors in onshore China’s financial market. The focus will be on the market access and entry barriers imposed by the Chinese government, the various types of access programs currently available to foreign investors (e.g. the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors regime “QFII”, and “RQFII”); [the limits imposed on the joint ventures of foreign financial firms (the foreign ownership cap of 50 percent for onshore securities joint ventures (JVs), trust JVs, asset management JVs and credit ratings agencies JVs), and other challenges and obstacles faced by foreign investors (e.g. limits in bond futures trading).] The paper will also point out an ongoing trend of China transiting from an approval-based system to registration-based system for foreign investors’ access and its implications.

focus on :
What are the limits imposed on the joint ventures of foreign financial firms (the foreign ownership cap of 50 percent for onshore securities joint ventures (JVs), trust JVs, asset management JVs and credit ratings agencies JVs), and other challenges and obstacles faced by foreign investors (e.g. limits in bond futures trading?? )
(800 words for the body)
(the remaining word count for intro and conclusion for the topic)..
Referencing Style
Footnote Referencing Style