Topic: profiling of very young women and young women breast cancer

Topic: profiling of very young women and young women breast cancer
Pages: 5, Single spaced
Sources: 18
Order type: Research Paper
Subject: Medicine and Health
Academic level: PhD
Style: Vancouver
Language: English (U.S.)

Order Description

I hаve the sample оf 105 for very young women and around 180 in the young group.
I have done a сalculation of initial 86 patient in the very young group so could have a better idea for the rest of the calculation you need to do.
once you will finish the calculation I will provide you with an endnote folder which has few relevant reference so It would help you in write up
but before write up .. as you have to analyse the data .. in order to find out what is most deficient in literature regarding young women.. I have found few question will provide you in word document with reference, but more to find to make it publishable. as there s a lot of data to compare and find the unanswerable questions in literature
you can take more than 10 days but in a hope that quality paper would be provided which should not be rejected by any journal.
1) data calculation and read the abstract i have already written for inintial 86 patient 2) endnote files( to get idea 3) questions to be answered ( i will provide you word doument with few question i have found ) 4) final write up. after agreement with focus reasearch question.

Endnotes :