Education Philosophy Paper

Education Philosophy Paper

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Format MLA

Volume of 3 pages (825 words)
Assignment type : Coursework

step 1: Deciding on the purpose of education

As you see it, what is the purpose of education? In other words, what should education do for the student and for society?

Step 2: Creating a list for teacher’s role

Make a list. What do teachers need to do to ensure that your purpose for education is met? Use this list to craft your discussion of the teacher’s role in education.

Once your list is completed, you’re ready to write. Look at all of the responses for the teacher’s role. As you look at this list, how could you categorize this list of teacher duties? Can they be divided into primary and secondary activities? Can they be divided into activities and attitudes? If so, use these categories as a way of organizing your ideas into paragraphs. In which case, each paragraph will consist of a running list of the items you have listed on your list and which fall under a given category.

If, however, you cannot determine any way of categorizing the items on this list, then you may simply have to organize your paragraph as a running list of items you have listed on your list.

Last consideration, regardless of categories or no categories, if you decide to elaborate on an item from your list to the point that you have 3 or more sentences on this one item, then that item needs its own paragraph. In which case you might write the running list items in one paragraph and then start another paragraph with an opening sentence such as: Additionally, teachers should/need to…

Step 3: Creating a list for student’s role

Make a list. What do students need to do to ensure that your purpose for education is met? Imagine yourself talking to your students on the first day of class. Tell them exactly what you expect of them. Use what you would say to your students to write a list of these expectations. Use this list to craft your discussion of the student’s role in education.

While being professional in your writing, be as specific in your writing as you would have been in person. Once your list is completed, you’re ready to write. Look at all of the responses for the teacher’s role. As you look at this list, how could you categorize this list of student duties? Can they be divided into primary and secondary activities? Can they be divided into activities and attitudes? If so, use these categories as a way of organizing your ideas into paragraphs. In which case, each paragraph will consist of a running list of the items you have listed on your list and which fall under a given category.

If, however, you cannot determine any way of categorizing the items on this list, then you may simply have to organize your paragraph as a running list of items you have listed on your list.

Last consideration, regardless of categories or no categories, if you decide to elaborate on an item from your list to the point that you have 3 or more sentences on this one item, then that item needs its own paragraph. In which case you might write the running list items in one paragraph and then start another paragraph with an opening sentence such as: Additionally, students should/need to…

Step 4: Creating a list for a family’s role

Make a list. What does a family need to do to ensure that your purpose for education is met?

Make a list. What do students need to do to ensure that your purpose for education is met? Imagine yourself talking to the caregivers (parents, legal guardians, etc) of your students at the first Open House of the school year. Tell them exactly what you expect of them. Use what you would say to the family caregivers of your students to write a list of these expectations. Use this list to craft your discussion of the family’s role in education.

While being professional in your writing, be as specific in your writing as you would have been in person. Once your list is completed, you’re ready to write. In which case I remind you about how you will need to organize your writing: as categories if possible, as a running list or elaborated ideas with their own paragraph. If you elaborate on an item from your list, you will need another paragraph for that item: Additionally, a family should/need to…

Step 5: Creating a list for a community’s role

Follow exactly what was stated for a family’s role, including the provision of specifics. I know schools do not typically meet with community members, but imagine doing so. Tell them exactly what you expect of them. Use what you would say to the family caregivers of your students to write a list of these expectations.

Step 6: Creating a list for the role of technology

Begin with the teacher’s point of view: What are all the ways that technology can assist a teacher? Also, which technologies can be used to accomplish these? Please don’t limit yourself to your current situation. Think of this as: What are all of the ways teachers CAN use technology and name these technologies. Philosophies discuss what should and could happen, not what is happening. If it helps, imagine yourself speaking to professionals or to families who are not limited by money. Tell us what could be possible.

Then do the same from the student’s point of view: What are all of the ways that technology can assist a student? Also, which technologies can be used to accomplish these? Think of this as: What are all of the ways students CAN use technology and name these technologies. Again, philosophies discuss what should and could happen, not what is happening. If it helps, imagine yourself speaking to professionals or to families who are not limited by money. Tell us what could be possible. Using a paragraph for the teacher and another paragraph for the student, write this up using the same writing tips already provided: running list or an elaborated idea.

Step #7: Look for a metaphor:

As you work through organizing and writing, try to figure out a metaphor for education. “Education is like…” Once you’ve identified a metaphor, use this metaphor to introduce each role (the teacher, the student, the family, the community, technology) and connect the metaphor to the role. For example, Coaches are like teachers. Just a coach teaches, monitors progress, and motivates her players, teachers also instruct, monitor progress, and motives her students. (Then continue with sentences that tell the other duties you have listed on your list).

Step #8: Write opening paragraph:

As you read and write, try to figure out what YOU think the purpose of education is. Once you have this as you’d like, place it within this paragraph frame:

As I have lived and worked as an educator for ___ years, I believe that the purpose of education … I believe that education is … (metaphor)…

Step #9: Write a conclusion:

The conclusion is simply a restating of the purpose of education, the roles involved, and your metaphor. This conclusion can be about 2-5 sentences in length.

Therefore, as I see it, the purpose of education is ____. To accomplish this purpose, it is helpful to think of education as ___ (metaphor). As a successful ____ (the product in the metaphor) relies on ____ (list all the aspects of your metaphor that contribute to the product) a successful education relies on teachers, students, family members, community members, and technological use. In both cases, success is dependent on each doing its part.

Checklist for Educational Philosophy paper

Purpose of education is described in detail
Metaphor for education is created and woven throughout the paper
Teacher’s role in education based on your philosophy is described in detail and connected to the metaphor
Students’ role in education based on your philosophy is described in detail and connected to the metaphor
Family and community’s role in education based on your philosophy is described in detail and connected to the metaphor
Technology’s role in education based on your philosophy is described in detail and connected to the metaphor
Conclusion restates your stated purpose of education, summarizes each role, and restates your metaphor
Grammar, spelling, andpunctuation are correct throughout the paper
In text citations for all information gathered – not just quotes
Reference list is included for any sources utilized



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