Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician Assisted Suicide

Format APA

Volume of 250 – 10000 pages (19 pages)
Assignment type : Research Paper

Research Organization and Formatting Requirements

Your Research Paper should:

 Identify a health law issue/problem

 Identify the legal and ethical issues raised by the dilemma

 Identify and discuss the underlying factual information and/or data

 Identify and discuss ethical values

 Include appropriate use and documentation from scholarly literature

Required organization and formatting:

Title page – include the title of your paper, your name, the course name, name of the instructor and date.

Introductory section – this section generally should be about 1 to 1½ pages. You should motivate the topic of your paper, i.e., why it is an important and useful area for study by describing the scope and seriousness of the issue or topic. You need to clearly state the focus of your research and the specific areas you will cover. You want your introduction to motivate your topic and provide a clear road map to your reader about what areas you will cover.

Main sections of your paper – you are required to organize the paper into several sections using headings and subheadings; the specific organization will depend on your topic. Generally, you will want to have 3 to 4 sections and may use subheadings in each section to logically organize the material. Using headings and subheadings helps you to organize your analytical framework, and provides a “road map” of your paper to your reader.

Critical analysis section – immediately after the “main” sections of your paper, and right before the conclusion, you need to include a separate section with your original critical analysis. That is, you must demonstrate that you have critically thought about the issues you have researched. You need to use an appropriate header, e.g., “My Views about HIV and AIDS Policies”, “My Recommendations to Improve Long Term Care Delivery.” You can demonstrate critical thinking in a variety of ways, e.g., by identifying major problems and suggesting how we might address these problems. You must demonstrate that you have thought about several areas in the topic you have researched, and describe your recommendations and so forth, that are informed by your research. The focus in this section must be on your thoughts, what you think and why, informed by your research. Thus, assuming you focus on your thoughts, you need not cite other works in this section. If appropriate, of course, include citations. The minimum length of this section is two pages.

Conclusions – this is a brief, about ½ to 1 page, section in which you summarize the major topics and findings.

References – a minimum of 15 references must be used. At least 10 of your references need to be peer reviewed journal articles. This is because peer reviewed journal articles are held to the highest level of peer review and rigor. References can include material from the internet; as with all references, you should evaluate the qualities and usefulness of any internet sources with care. You may use any standard form for your bibliography, e.g., American Medical Association (AMA), American Psychological Association (APA). You must be consistent with the format you select.

Illustrative materials – in most instances several illustrative items, tables or graphs, are useful. In the narrative, you need to clearly describe the 3 to 5 major points of each item, i.e., what the table or graph shows, and the conclusions. Place each table, figure, or graph on a separate page, after the references. Materials need to be numbered consecutively; each item needs to have a concise, clear, descriptive title; each item needs to have a footnote indicating the source of the material.

Essential Point

• All material in your research paper must be properly referenced. You must cite any ideas that are not directly your own. If you are in doubt, cite. Material taken verbatim (word for word) from a reference must appear in quotes, followed by a citation. A rule of thumb is anytime you take more than three consecutive words verbatim from a reference, the material needs to be in quotes. Try to put as much of the material in your own words, but always cite your sources in these cases, too. Minimize your use of direct quotes. Papers that are comprised primarily of quotes are not acceptable. Plagiarism, whether it is intentional or not, is a serious offense. For the purposes of this assignment, students who do not give appropriate credit to their references will receive a zero for the research paper and thus a grade of F for the course. They will not be able to revise and resubmit their work.

Paper Presentation Requirements:

• The minimum length of the research paper is 10 pages, excluding the title page, appendices, references, figures or tables, typed (double spaced at about 275 words per page, 1 inch margins on top, bottom, and sides, and in 12pt. font, Times New Roman). Papers should not exceed 18 pages of narrative excluding the title page, appendices, references, figures or tables, typed (double spaced at about 275 words per page, with margins and fonts as just described).

• Using headings and subheadings to organize your analytical framework, and provides a “road map” for your reader. You need to use capital letters, bold, or italics to visually differentiate headers and sub-headers from the rest of your narrative. For example, headers can be bolded and centered on the page, sub-headers could be in italics and left justified.

• Your paper must be spell- and grammar-checked and carefully proofread before it is submitted. A few common grammatical errors: Do not use contractions, e.g., doesn’t, for formal writing. Do not end a sentence with a preposition, e.g., to, for. Research papers with spelling and grammatical errors will be returned to be redone with a grade reduction. I recommend that you ask a friend or colleague to proofread your paper before you submit it.

• The narrative of your paper needs to be paginated, i.e., have page numbers. Begin the pagination with the abstract and paginate consecutively through the references. You can paginate the tables or graphs if you wish.


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