A) Undergraduate Psychology Dissertation Research Proposal FormA)
Undergraduate Psychology Dissertation Research Proposal Form
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This must be written as a WORD file but then uploaded with your online ethics package which you supply via this link here: https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/Sc2H66as68G082y9C5e1lqV Name: (first) Student number: Email address: This proposal must be completed with the assistance of your supervisor. You can change the size of the boxes (below) by typing or deleting as necessary. Give us Methodological Clarity above all: what are you proposing to do? How? With whom?Title: Investigation of attitudes towards relationships with people with learning disabilities.Using quantitative methods psychological research in to attitudes towards disability has mainly been conducted (Kelvin, 2009). This study overlook complexity of beliefs about disability and the ways in which people present them, by reducing attitudes to single scores. To the investigation of attitudes towards relationships with persons with learning disabilities a qualitative approach takes in account. In a more naturalistic environment focus groups’ elicited rich response, allowing for in-depth analysis by two methods. Three themes of what constitutes these attitudes are participants perceive disparity in emotional complexity, the productivity requirements of the context predict the nature of attitudes and disability is seen as a burden on relationships highlighted by grounded theory. Due to processes of alignment conversational analysis depicted that evaluations are worked up for interactional purposes. In relation to their contribution to our holistic understanding of attitudes towards disability, the findings of the two analytic methods alongside those of existing research are going to be discuss.
I understand that I must include the following & submit online (tick to indicate your understanding): B) A participant information sheet (concerning what it is your participants are being asked to do – e.g., the statement placed at the front of a questionnaire or on the first screen of a Superlab computer experiment) C) A Consent form (these may vary according to the research in question, your supervisor will have versions, and versions are found in the appendices of most research textbooks or online research websites) D) Copies of questionnaires/instruments you intend to use OR, if you do not have these, a statement of which measures you will use (in Word, with your name and student ID at the top) E) A Debriefing statement for participants F) A Data management statement (UWL has a standardised form)Introduction (this is MUCH LESS IMPORTANT THAN METHOD)
Background to research topic area (with references). 200 words approx. make sure you include your Aims and Hypothesis/Research Qu.Alongside increasing disability acknowledgement and awareness of the prominent divide between the non-disabled and disabled populations research exploring attitudes to disability has developed in recent decades (Thomas, 2003). By exclusionary attitudes that ascribe people with disability a lower social status than members of the non-handicapped population, causing barriers to participation in normal everyday life as there is evidence to suggest that people with disabilities are more likely to be met (Walmsley, 2003). Across various aspects of life this can be seen for example, in the sporting arena the Paralympics receives significantly less media coverage than the Olympics (Thomas, 2003). Involving a stigma that devalues the individual through defining them as different from other humans (Hardie, 2012) refers to disability as a social category. Those between the non-stigmatised and stigmatised, this can create discomfort for both parties and cause avoidance of mixed contacts (Taylor, 2009). By highlighting that disability attitudes vary according to type of social desirability, disability and context to summarise existing research has contributed to the field (Ferns, 2006). In highlighting findings across large populations despite the usefulness of these quantitative methods, by asking for closed-format responses they mask the true complexity of disability attitudes, in everyday life which are far from representing the presentation of attitudes (Walmsley, 2003). To the presenter quantitative scales assume the traditional approach of attitude as individual, stable and consistent (Hardie, 2012). For interactional purposes this view fails to consider the discursive viewpoint of attitudes as formulated (Ferns, 2006). According to their personal desires or beliefs this study addresses such limitations by taking a qualitative approach where participants are able to develop discussions (Ferns, 2006). The aim of this study is to develop the field by providing a richer perspective on the nature of social processes that surround how people present them and disability attitudes. For investigation following are the research questions will provide a focus:• How long I have been working as a Carer?• Exploring my experience of working with the client group?• Evaluate the challenges of working with this client group?• What are the similarities and differences between myself and the client?• What are my perspectives on the independence of the client group?• What does being a care provider mean to myself?• What do u understand by providing care?
Method (BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTION!)Outline all methodological issues – e.g. Design, participants, questionnaires, tests, method of data collection. Who are you working with? How? What Measures? What interventions/manipulations? What controls?Design: In an interactive way focus group are going to conduct by me which are allowing participants to discuss their views (L.Morgan, 1996). As opposing to one-to-one, the topic of disability could ignite controversial issues that respondents feel more comfortable discussing in a group that offers a degree of anonymity (T.Fischer, 2011). To initiate topic this gives less reliance on moderator, rather amongst group members their role is to facilitate discussion. Include the three areas for discussion, a focus group schedule will be design: romantic relationships, friendship and work relationships. For the moderator I will include a scenario and a question and to prompt discussion alongside fact sheet also going to be provide. In order to test the appropriateness of the schedule a pilot study will be in place as well.
Participants: From United Response (Care Home), sample of 10 going to be participate in the study among them: Six females, four males, average age 45 to 55. In to five groups of two participants going to be divide, males and females are going to be in each group.
Materials: In social psychology observation room at United Response the focus groups are going to be carrying on. Via email interview agendas and timings will be disseminate. For group members printouts of relevant information will also provide. To compile the information and to generate item lists MS Word will be in use and also details of which will appear in the procedure section. In cabinets having locks properly the print copies containing information and consent will be store. In the following section details on all documentation appears.
Procedure: In social psychology observation room at United Response the focus groups are going to be carrying on. Allocation of timings of each group is 45 minutes. Beginning with asking participants to read the fact sheet entitled ‘what is a learning disability’ the moderator followed the interview schedule. In front of participants two videos are going to play, at the beginning of the friendship discussion the first video has play and shown two friends with learning disabilities playing darts. At the beginning of discussions about working relationships with people with learning disabilities going to play which portrays a working woman on a reception. A second fact sheet handover to participants within the romantic relationships section have title ‘why are personal relationships important’? For people with learning disabilities which provide information about intimate relationship. All materials has to be fetch from United Response, a leading organization in UK helping people with learning disabilities and their families (Steven, 2015) .
Analysis Clearly describe the analysis you are going to use. Is it qualitative or quantitative? Factorial? Regression? IPA? If you aren’t sure, indicate the decisions you will choosing between. Analytic Method: In order to investigation of attitudes towards relationships with persons with learning disabilities this research takes a qualitative approach .Using () grounded theory method, the data analysis will be done, reason behind choosing this theory because it is flexible and systematic approach. In ensuring participant views at the centre of the process, it therefore compliments the use of focus groups as oppose to researcher objectives. To summarise the data the initial stage involves ‘in vivo’ which uses the participants own concepts, terms and perceptions. Attitudes towards having different social relationships with persons having learning disabilities this process provide three analytic categories for participants. If there will be any salient interactional elements of talk would find and not will represent by grounded theory analysis throughout the coding process then a second analytic section going to be use in order to study the organisation of social interaction in talk. In order to include that not only what participants say but how they say it Jafferson () method will be use. To analyse more naturalistic data than the generated from focus groups conversation analysis is typically will be in use. As it treats what and how people say it as inseparable that is why it is relevant to study.
Ferns, D., 2006. Caring for people with learning disabilities. 3rd ed. s.l.:Wiley .Hardie, E., 2012. An introduction to supporting people with a learning disability. 3rd ed. s.l.:Sage.L.Morgan, D., 1996. Focus groups as qualitative research. 2nd ed. s.l.:Sage.Steven, 2015. United Response. [Online] Available at: www.unitedresponse.org.uk[Accessed Friday november 2015].T.Fischer, C., 2011. Qualitative Research Methods of Psychologists. 3rd ed. s.l.:Heinemann.Taylor, A., 2009. Activities for adults with learning disabilities. 2nd ed. s.l.:Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Thomas, D., 2003. Working with people with learning disabilites. 2nd ed. s.l.:Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Walmsley, J., 2003. Inclusive research with people with learning disabilities. 2nd ed. s.l.:Jessica Kingsley Publisher
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