defining your learning organization

defining your learning organization

Format MLA

Volume of 7 pages (1925 words)
Assignment type : Term paper

Using your current or previous organization, analyze it as a Learning Organization…positively and/or negatively.
Your comments should weave in Senge but do not have to be limited to his perspectives.
1. Must be six-eight double-spaced pages in length, and formatted per APA style
2. Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Your name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
3. Must document all sources, if used, in APA style.

Using your actual organization (current or previous), compare it to the ideal Learning Organization. All information you supply will remain privy. (You may, however, change the names to protect the “guilty”)
Answer these questions pertaining to a Learning Organization:
What policies, events, or aspects of behavior in your organization helped it thrive and succeed? …or not?
How did people behave inside the organization?
How did they interact with the outside world?
What are some of the differences between the ideal organization and the organization for which you worked?
Be specific. Express the examples, images, possibilities, and details that cross your mind.

You might like to know how I envision the Learning Organization. Take any ideas from this list and place them with your own thoughts regarding your organization’s reality.
In a Learning Organization …
• People feel they’re doing something that matters-to them personally and to the larger world.
• Every individual in the organization is somehow stretching, growing, or enhancing his capacity to create.
• People are more intelligent together than they are apart. If you want something really creative done, you ask a team to do it-instead of sending one person off to do it on their own.
• The organization continually becomes more aware of its underlying knowledge base…particularly the store of tacit, unarticulated knowledge in the hearts and minds of employees.
• Visions of the direction of the enterprise emerge from all levels. The responsibility of top management is to manage the process whereby new emerging visions become shared visions.
• Employees are invited to learn what is going on at every level of the organization, so they can understand how their actions influence others.
• People feel free to inquire about each others’ (and their own) assumptions and biases. There are few (if any) sacred cows or undiscussable subjects.
• People treat each other as colleagues. There’s a mutual respect and trust in the way they talk to each other, and work together, no matter what their positions may be.
• People feel free to try experiments, take risks, and openly assess the results. No one is killed for making a mistake.
All together, between my list and your own insights, you will end up with a large list of characteristics. Make sure you have at least five as you go forward. Number each of them so you can refer to them easily in the next step.

One by one, consider each of your choices derived from Step 2. Since your organization had these features, what sorts of things happened as a result? What did it bring the organization? What did it bring you personally?


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