

Format MLA

Volume of 5 pages (1375 words)
Assignment type : Essay

This essay, approximately 2000 words in length, provides students with the opportunity to explore a topic of interest in depth. Students should develop a considered answer to a specific question based on reading a range of sources wider than simply the key readings. (Students must read and refer to a minimum of 12 substantive sources.) A high standard essay would draw upon a wide range of resources to support a well-organized argument in response to the set question (essay questions will be provided in the Week 1 lecture). Remember, there is no necessarily ‘correct’ answer to each question: rather, there are arguments that are more persuasively made and intelligently constructed. Consider whether the arguments you read are logical and provide convincing evidence. The same criteria should apply to your own work.

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
1) To be able to differentiate between the types of revolutions that have occurred throughout history in different parts of the world
2) To be familiar with some of the leading figures of revolutions throughout history in different parts of the world
3) To be able to account for some of the causes of revolutions
4) To be able to understand the key conceptual issues and debates surrounding revolutions, including questions of agency, organisation, the role of the state, and the possibilities – or otherwise – of social change
5) To be aware of the arguments for and against revolution vis-a-vis reform as a strategy for social change

please make sure you meet the deadline.


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