Topic: EU proposal for the harmonization of covered bonds

Topic: EU proposal for the harmonization of covered bonds

Pages: 31, Double spaced
Sources: 17

Order type: Thesis
Subject: Business

Style: Harvard
Language: English (U.K.)

Order Description

References: Harvard. Please insert the the exact page in the in-text citation.
for instance: However, Sweeney (2013, pp. 73) asserts…

Topic: EU proposal for the harmonization of covered bonds

And please involve the following sources as well:
Berenberg (2017): Fixed income research / Public Sector & Financials
Buchert, R., Enger C., Riefler-Kowarsch, C. (2016): Credit Markets – Covered
European Banking Authority (EBA) (2015): EBA Report on EU Covered Bond
Frameworks and Capital Treatment European Banking Authority (EBA) (2016): EBA
Report on Covered Bonds
Gogarn, J. (2013): Capital Requirements Regulation – CRR
NORD/LB (2017): Fixed Income Research – Covered Bond & SSA

Internet Sources:
Europian Covered Bond Council (2017): Covered Bonds; Quelle:
A rough outline is already available (see above), which has already been approved by the lecturer. However, this is only a rough design. More
Subtopics or changes and also changes of the headings
Would be great if necessary. However please let me know if changed are made as it needs to be approved by the lecturer.
• Both the introduction and the conclusion should not have any sub-items, and neither
something like “the goal of the work”, etc. Not wanted by the lecturer.
• Regarding point 4, the lecturer wishes for a separate work
In how far it is possible for the work (Customer survey rather no) I can not say unfortunately. His statement was, I should think about something. You may have any ideas.
• There will be another point (Still waiting for the reply of the lecturer).

Additionally short text needed (about 100 words) use the following points:
Short description of the work (et al Classification)
Occasion / background,
What is the work about?
What is to be investigated.