Thesis Statement Worksheet
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Discipline Accounting
Assignment type : Essay
Format MLA
Volume of 1100 – 2200 pages (6 pages)
What are the causes of the french and indian war?
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Discipline History
Assignment type : Research Paper
What are the causes of the french and indian war, choose a side and have an argument clearly stated in the thesis.
Format MLA
Academic Level: Undergraduate/Bachelor
Volume of 700 – 800 pages (3 pages)
Risk assessment is counter productive to just outcomes in adults forensics. also consider ethics
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Discipline Psychology
Assignment type : Essay
2500 words
Instructions : Risk assessment is counter-productive to just outcomes in adult forensics. Consider ethics issues . You should also discuss the implications of your argument for psychological forensic practice.
please use the provided literature and additional literature. ( I have a PDF copy of all of them if needed)
Text book : Shipley, S.L & Arrigo, B.A. 2012. Introduction to forensic psychology. Court, law enforcement and correctional practices 3rd ed. San Diego. Elsivier Academic Press.
Arrigo, B. A. (2013). Managing risk and marginalizing identities on the Society-of-Captives thesis and the harm of social dis-ease. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 57(6), 672-693.
Brown, M. (2013). Captivity, citizenship, and the ethics of otherwise in the Society-of-Captives thesis. A commentary on Arrigo. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 57(6), 694-702
Coombes, L. M., & Te Hiwi, E. J. (2007). Social justice, community change. In I. M. Evans, J. J. Rucklidge, & M. O’Driscol (Eds.), Professional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 379-396).
Freiberg, A. (2011). Psychiatry, psychology and non-adversarial justice: From integration to transformation: Myers Lecture, 2010. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 18(2), 297-314
Langan, J. (2010). Challenging assumptions about risk factors and the role of screening for violence risk in the field of mental health. Health, Risk & Society, 12(2), 85-100.
Szmukler, G., & Rose, N. (2013). Risk assessment in mental health care: Values and costs. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 31(1), 125-140
Link for Large, M. M., & Nielssen, O. B. (2011). Probability and loss…Provided by the Massey University Library.
Format APA
Academic Level: Masters
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Description Details
Discipline English Language
Assignment type : Essay
You have your choice of topics to write about in this course. This discussion looks forward to the next module’s written assignment, which is to write an approximately 5-page thesis-support essay. No research is required – you can write about any topic that interests you and about which you think you can create a clear thesis and details to develop that thesis.
How to Proceed
Post either the topic and/or the thesis that you’re considering for Module 2’s essay. Include any questions that you might have about these as a writer. Label your post [my name’s] working thesis. Others will respond to your topic/working, so that there is one discussion thread per student.
Then respond to at least 2-3 other working thesis posts, offering your ideas about turning a topic into a thesis, or about developing a working thesis.
Format MLA
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
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Discipline Other
Assignment type : Essay
Format MLA
Academic Level: High School
Volume of 500 – 1000 pages (3 pages)
” Thesis ”
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Discipline Other
Assignment type : Essay
Format MLA
Volume of 1100 – 2200 pages (6 pages)
Master Thesis Marketing Plan for Tennerhof Hotel
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Discipline Marketing
Assignment type : Business Plan
Format Other
Academic Level: Masters
Volume of 1925 – 3025 pages (9 pages)
Description Details Attached Files (1)
Discipline Literature
Assignment type : Article
Write a summary of Williams essay, “Rogues.” Find the attached pdf. The overall quality of the summary must content: grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, sentence structure, and paragraphing as well as the effectiveness of the summary. 1. How well you manage to put this essay in few paragraph. 2. What you include and what you exclude from the essay is very important. 3. Find the thesis and three supporting paragraphs to the thesis. Quote the main point and explain the readers in your own words. Before quote, start with paraphrase Thesis ( What is the big issue that you are trying to state?) What the big claim that writer is trying to make? Find main supporting sentences (points) Use: He suggests, she argues .. like thing to explain …make claims, ALSO Include work cited page.
Format APA
Academic Level: Undergraduate/Bachelor
Volume of 1 page (275 words)
College fear factor by rebecca cox
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Discipline Other
Assignment type : Essay
Rebecca Cox disrupts the conversation around student success in college by suggesting that the significant impediments students face are non-cognitive. She specifically argues that most college students experience great fear and anxiety around the transition to college. Moreover, she suggests that for many students this fear and anxiety provides the primary impediment to their academic success.
This essay assignment asks you to use your experiences in college to test Rebecca Cox’s argument. Do you agree or disagree with Rebecca Cox’s main ideas? Why or why not? How do your experiences support, challenge or complicate her argument?
Has the fear that she writes about led you to self-destructive academic behaviors in the way that she describes? If not, why?
As a place to begin you might start with this template to point you on toward a provisional thesis:
“While Rebecca Cox argues ___ about college, my experience in college supports/challenges/complicates this because______.”
1. Revolve around a clear thesis that makes a single arguable claim that adds to the current conversation about education as outlined by Rebecca Cox
2. Explain the germane parts of her argument about education
3. Explain and connect quotations from the reading
4. Provide a clear and concrete description of your experience in college
5. Explain, and connect this concrete evidence to support your thesis
Format MLA
Volume of 5 pages (1375 words)
Jane Austen as contemporary author
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Discipline Literature
Assignment type : Thesis
Thesis should consist of Jane Austen’s biography, her books, her early life, death, her popularity during her life and after death, feminist movement.
Format AMA
Volume of 500 – 5000 pages (10 pages)
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Discipline Computer Science
Assignment type : Thesis
Format MLA
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Thesis 1
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Discipline Sociology
Assignment type : Thesis
Format AMA
Volume of 500 – 5000 pages (10 pages)
Paper #1: ThesIs paper
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Discipline Literature
Assignment type : Thesis
Format MLA
Volume of 1 page (275 words)
How divine comedy is matching to Islam, Judaism and Christianity?
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Discipline Literature
Assignment type : Thesis
Plz help me in making thesis as soon as possible
Format AMA
Volume of 3000 – 10000 pages (24 pages)
essay bombs bursting in air with a thesis statement
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Discipline English Language
Assignment type : Essay
Format MLA
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Effective and ineffective thesis statements statements practice
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Discipline Computer Science
Assignment type : Essay
Format MLA
Volume of 8 pages (2200 words)
to determine inercanthal outercanthal n interpupillary distance in newborns of difrent gestationlage 28-42weks
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Discipline Medical
Assignment type : Thesis Proposal
i need a thesis protocol for my dnb pediatric with no plagiarism
Format Other
Academic Level: Masters
Volume of 250 – 44500 pages (82 pages)
sound track on life
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Discipline English Language
Assignment type : Essay
Music has become an integral part of human existence. It motivates us, calms us, inspires us, at times irritates us, and basically becomes the backdrop against which we live our lives. Songs can bring vivid memories of persons, places, and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at a given time or place.
For this assignment, you will compose a soundtrack to your life (thus far).
Following a traditional, 5- paragraph format, compose your essay in the following way:
You should have a clear introduction and thesis that establishes a “theme” for your soundtrack. The theme could be anything you feel defines you and your life experiences (i.e. survival, love, ambition, rebellion).
Each of your three body paragraphs should name and cite at least one song that communicates your theme and is meaningful to you. It is REQUIRED that you cite specific lyrics from the song, incorporating them into your essay and analyzing how each relates to your life.
Your conclusion should restate your theme (in a slightly different way than your thesis) and reflect on the choices you have made
Format MLA
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
abortion and its effects in the society. proffer a thesis statement, out line and biblography
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Discipline Biology
Assignment type : Term paper
Format MLA
Volume of 1650 – 3025 pages (9 pages)
Focus on management in projects
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Discipline Project Management
Assignment type : Thesis
write a master thesis project management and have not found the topic or issue to write about. The Master’s thesis is not a final assignment, so an interview will not be completed..
Maybe this is a task ” We have chosen to focus on management in projects, with the main focus on project leader’s role. In a construction project, a project manager has responsibility for his own workers and several different subcontractors and suppliers. We want to investigate how the Project Manager on the Mirror organizes, coordinates, delegates and executes a manager’s work tasks while managing all actors involved in a construction project.”
Format MLA
Volume of 36 pages (9900 words)
Literary Analysis Week 5 FINAL PAPER
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Discipline Public Relations
Assignment type : Other types
Literary Analysis
*THIS ENTIRE PAPER HAS TO BE REBUILT. I do not have any Instructor feedback to work with, just use the prompt #3 below to write this Literary Analysis please. Thank you,
writing Prompt #3
“The Things They Carried” (O’Brien, 1990) – 5.4 in Journey into Literature
How to Write a Literary Analysis
It is important to understand that some conflicts in literature might not always be obvious. Considering how an author addresses conflict via literary techniques can reveal other more complex conflicts or different kinds of conflicts that interact in multiple ways. Analyzing those more complicated elements can help you discover what literature represents about the human experience and condition. With this in mind, consider that your thesis might be a claim about how conflict is represented in a work, whether through character, setting, or tone. This is not a personal reflection on conflict in general or a conflict you face but an analysis of how literary elements are used to express a conflict in a given literary work—in this case, a short story.
The literary analysis should be organized around your rough draft and thesis statement. Your thesis is the controlling idea of the entire essay. In the Week One assignment you submitted a proposal in which you chose a topic based on the List of Writing Prompts. You also identified a short story to analyze from the List of Literary Works. In Week Two you compiled an annotated bibliography in which you identified your primary and secondary sources. In Week Three, you created a rough draft and revised your working thesis. You also incorporated research into this draft.
Assignment Instructions
In this assignment, you will refine that thesis and essay even further and develop your argument. You are required to incorporate your instructor’s feedback in your Final Paper and to take peer feedback into consideration.
In your paper,
Create a detailed introduction that contains a thesis that offers a debatable claim based on one of the prompts on the list.
Apply critical thought by analyzing the primary source you selected from the approved List of Literary Works. Avoid summary and personal reflection.
Develop body paragraphs that contain clear topic sentences and examples that support the argument.
Write a conclusion that reaffirms the thesis statement and includes a summary of the key ideas in essay.
Apply your knowledge of literary elements and other concepts in your response to the prompt. Reference the list of literary techniques found in Week Two of the course and discussion forums.
Incorporate research from the primary and secondary sources.
Format MLA
Volume of 3 pages (825 words)
sample questionnaire thesis proposal drug abuse
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Discipline Biology
Assignment type : Research Proposal
Format MLA
Volume of 1100 – 1650 pages (5 pages)
Coming up with a thesis for a diagnostic essay
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Discipline Other
Assignment type : Essay
Format MLA
Volume of 1100 – 2200 pages (6 pages)
Description Details
Discipline Other
Assignment type : Essay
Format MLA
Volume of 1100 – 2200 pages (6 pages)