Annotated Bibliography and a proposal

Annotated Bibliography and a proposal

Format MLA

Volume of 4 pages (1100 words)

Assignment type : Research Proposal

Your third major assignment, the Proposal and Annotated Bibliography, builds on what you have learned
about finding and evaluating sources and prepares you for final research paper.
There are two components to the Proposal and Annotated Bibliography:
1. A Proposal for your Final Research Paper
2. An Annotated Bibliography of 6-8 sources you might use in your Final Research Paper
You can write on the same topic and research question you used for your Article Comparison essay, or
you can choose a new topic. If you’re still not sure what you want to write about for your final research
paper, take a look at the suggested topics on pages WSU 159-161 of The Little Shocker Handbook.
Component 1: Proposal
There are three parts to the proposal:
1. Thesis statement for your Final Research Paper
2. Tentative outline of your Final Research Paper
3. Overview paragraph.
Thesis Statement
The first part of your proposal is a tentative thesis for your Final Research Paper. Your thesis should
express a specific and arguable point that you can support with research.
Non-argumentative thesis: Solar energy panels are a source of renewable energy
Argumentative thesis: In order to promote the use of renewable energy, the state of
Kansas should offer tax incentives to home owners who install
solar energy panels on their property.
The first thesis does not make an arguable claim; no reasonable person would disagree with the claim
that solar energy panels are a source of renewable energy. The second thesis provides a much stronger
foundation for a paper. It clearly indicates why the writer thinks solar panels are beneficial and what the
writer wants done to promote them.
Tentative Outline
Your outline should list each point and sub-point you want to discuss in your research paper in an
organized fashion. Use numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and/or letters (A, B, C, etc.) to organize your outline.
Since your final research paper will be 8-10 pages, your outline should list at least 15 topics or points.
(This is not specified in the Little Shocker Handbook, but it is require for this class).
Overview Paragraph
The third part of the proposal is an overview paragraph that explains how you will organize and develop
your final research paper. This paragraph should not repeat your thesis. Instead, it should answer these
• What sources and examples will you use to support your thesis:
• What possible opposing arguments should you consider, and how you will refute them?
• Are there any possible problems you foresee in supporting your thesis?
If you have questions about formatting, please consult the sample proposals on Blackboard.
Component 2: Annotated Bibliography
The second component of this assignment is an Annotated Bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a
list of citations of articles, books, or other sources. Each citations is followed by a brief description and
evaluation of the source (these descriptions are called an “annotations”). Researchers often create
annotated bibliographies as a way of preparing for their own research paper.
Choosing Sources
The first step in creating an annotated bibliography is to find sources you can use to support your
argument. You will need 6-8 credible sources. This means that you should NOT choose articles from
personal blogs, websites associated with political groups, or Wikipedia.
You may re-use sources from past assignments, such as the articles you discussed in the Article
Comparison essay. If you re-use sources, however, you need to make sure that your annotations follow
the instructions. This means you may need to re-read the articles or re-read your notes on the articles.
Summarizing and Evaluating Sources
After you have selected your sources, carefully read them. Pay particular attention to the author’s thesis
or conclusions, the author’s qualifications, the relevance of the source to your research paper, and links
to other sources you’ve chosen. Once you have read your sources, you will be ready to compose your
Annotated Bibliography.
Each annotation should include:
• A summary of the thesis or conclusions and main supporting points of the work,
• A brief critique of the qualifications of the author of the source to write about the subject (also
note if the author seems to display a particular bias, or if the author is targeting a specific
• A discussion of the worth and usefulness of the source for your research paper, and
• A discussion of the links to other research done on the subject, particularly to other sources
cited in your annotated bibliography.
Many students make the mistake of only doing one or two of the things on this list. In order to get full
credit, you need to do all four of these things in each annotation

Here is what I have so far. I have to use these sources!! My format has to be perfect. I have a general outline here of what I want done but believe it needs to be organized and done a lot better.

5 days ago Access the profile card for user: Micheale Harvey Micheale Harvey
proposal workshop

Micheale Harvey

Mr. Miller

Proposal and Bibliography Workshop

11 November 2015


Although, it has been proven many times that drug addiction does not discriminate when it comes to those who become addicted. Anyone can fall into drug addiction without proper education and prevention. Many people in America have labeled opioid addiction as a health issue instead of a drug problem. Whether it is because opioids are prescribed by a doctor, or because the epidemic is targeting the Caucasian demography, I feel opioid addiction needs to be labeled as a drug addiction. Many people are losing their lives due to this addiction and laws need to be stiffened and harder.

Tentative Outline

I. History and importance of assessing drug addiction

a) Making opioid users are get drug and alcohol assessments.

b) If opioid users are put in treatment making them graduate successfully or have a jail sentence.

c) Repeat offenders get jail sentences instead of offering treatment.

II. An attempt at proving that addiction does not discriminate

a. The importance of knowing that anyone can become addicted without education and prevention.

b. Proving to lawmakers that every demographic that has substance abuse

problems should be offered the same services.

c. Proving that laws need to be made in dispensing opioids and acquiring


d. Ultimately something needs to be done to save lives!

III. Drug abuse awareness and prevention

Researching and educating law makers to understand the power of addiction.
Through research and facts proving the importauance of drug abuse awareness.
Proving that all drug addiction deserves the same concern.