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The effectiveness of paid advertising will never compete with free media placement and word of mouth

Advertising today, has become a world-wide occurrence and many organizations and marketers use various advertisement techniques which have varying possible effects. It is common to find one organization using a particular advertising only, while another company may prefer to use a combination of advertising techniques. Regardless of the advertising techniques adopted, it is believed that the free media placement and the positive word of mouth will remain more effective advertising tools than the paid advertising (Armelini and Villanueva 5). The objective of this descriptive essay is to explore the concept of paid advertising, free media placement and word of mouth as some of the most preferred advertising techniques. The idea is to demonstrate why the effectiveness of paid advertising will never compete with free media placement and word of mouth. The first part of the essay will describe the advertising techniques and the rest of the sections will highlight the effectiveness of paid advertising and that of with free media placement and word of mouth. Before the concussion, the last section will demonstrate why the effectiveness of paid advertising will never compete with free media placement and word of mouth.

Paid advertising is a form of promotional technique in which the communication about a given firm and its services and products are transmitted to the intended audience through the mass media such as the radio, television, newspapers, public transport or commercial websites. Companies or advertisers pay to have their products presented through the various advertising channels such as television programs or movies. Armelini and Villanueva (5) describe paid advertising as an electronic marketing concept such as the pay-per-click and the banner advertising that enjoys a good reputation to generate traffic. According to Armelini and Villanueva (5), finding new leads and clients through paid advertising is often quite challenging, expensive and time consuming especially for small firms (5). When starting a new firm, Weinreich (190) suggested that the marketers should focus on other methods and ways to find new leads and clients. According to Weinreich (190), paid advertising especially through websites should be used to target existing clients and to obtain customer and lead demographics. A separate description provided by Pizam (517) is that paid advertising has the capability to bring the advertiser more close to the client, but often takes some effort. Pizam (517), therefore argues that the best way is to explore other channels in order to establish better connections with the existing customers and to gather detailed client demographics. Just like Weinreich (190) and Pizam (517) pointed out that paid advertising is very important, but is a relatively new strategy to use on the social networking sites. For instance, paid advertising through Facebook is quite a new strategy or technique to achieve more traffic on the firm’s website. It is possible but it takes time to enjoy paid advertising as the number one traffic source.

A number of authors including Armelini and Villanueva (10) that have examined the positive word-of mouth advertising, pointed out that consumer’s sources of information are not likely to be limited to advertising that only promotes positive assessments. Armelini and Villanueva (10) pointed out that consumers learn about products from various sources, which often present inconsistent brand information. In Armelini and Villanueva’s view the word of mouth is a crucial advertising technique and source for positive brand information, praising is a great way that consumers express satisfaction (10). The positive word of mouth significantly influences the subject’s reaction and response to the product and service advertising. Compared with the paid advertising, Pizam (517), explains that the word of mouth is inexpensive and is an excellent extension to other advertising. Pizam (517) therefore suggests that the word of mouth, as a personal influence should be used to extend the impact of other advertising techniques in order t o reinforce the power of advertising. Considering the sincerity of the information obtained through the word of mouth, Pizam (517) and Weinreich (190) argued that the positive word of mouth affected clients’ attraction to products and had a constructive impact on the organizational attractiveness and process decisions as opposed to the negative word of mouth.

Free media placement allows companies and marketers to put their promotion or ad in a media vehicle at no cost. According to Weinreich (190), organizations rely on the placement of persuasive messages or announcements in a mass media space to achieve a strong value proposition and pro mote their products. Just like the word of mouth, Weinreich (190) pointed out that the free media placement advertising provides a staple of promotional mixes used by brands to reach the intended audiences. The promotional strategies ensure that the clients understand the products and the brand’s value proposition. They are able to recall the brand at the point of purchase and they know why they should obtain the brand. According to Pizam (517), customers embrace the media democracy and the free media placement. It encourages the clients t o create and co-create content, which captures the spirit of a shared control over the distribution promotion of products and services.

In brief, advertising has become a world-wide practice used by organizations and marketers to promote goods and services. There are numerous advertising techniques, which can be adopted. Paid advertising, free media placement and word of mouth are some of the most useful and common advertising techniques. The above evaluated information clearly shows that the effectiveness of paid advertising will never compete with free media placement and word of mouth. This is because the free media placement and the positive word of mouth have greater benefits in terms of cost, convenience and efficiency. Therefore, they will remain more effective and more preferred advertising tools than the paid advertising.

Works Cited

Armelini, Guillermo and Julian Villanueva. Marketing Expenditures and Word-of-mouth Communication: Complements Or Substitutes?. New York: Now Publishers Inc, 2010. Print.
Pizam, Abraham. International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management, London: Routledge, 2005. Print.
Weinreich, Nedra Kline. Hands-On Social Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Change . SAGE, 2010. Print.



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