The British supermarket chain TESCO has appointed you as a consultant

The British supermarket chain TESCO has appointed you as a consultant
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Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 9 pages (2475 words)
Assignment type : Coursework

The British supermarket chain TESCO has appointed you as a consultant. The company is considering investing overseas as global expansion is perceived at this time to be a potentially important element of the company’s long-term strategic goals. In particular, Tesco has been looking closely for some time at a number of diverse market Russia. In order to help with their decision making, management at Tesco have requested that you compile a report regarding the attractiveness of these location based on potential return on investment.
For your coursework, you must evaluate the opportunities and risks presented by the given location of your choice. Based on your analysis, what would you recommend i.e. to invest or look for other options? Please ensure that you give reasons for your recommendation.
Write a coursework based on Root’s political risk model and also consider Foreign Market Entry Strategies. I would like to choose Russia.

International Business Coursework Assessment (SOE09102)
Coursework Brief –
The British supermarket chain TESCO has appointed you as a consultant. The company is considering investing overseas as global expansion is perceived at this time to be a potentially important element of the company’s long-term strategic goals. In particular Tesco have been looking closely for some time at a number of diverse markets including Myanmar (Burma), Brazil and Russia. In order to help with their decision making, management at Tesco have requested that you compile a report regarding the attractiveness of ONE of these locations based on potential return on investment.
For your coursework you must evaluate the opportunities and risks presented by the given location of your choice. Based on your analysis, what would you recommend i.e. to invest or look for other options? Please ensure that you give reasons for your recommendation.
Please note that you must select only ONE country to investigate. For example, do not write a report comparing the three countries.
Allocation of Marks
• Presentation and structure (5%)
• Analysis of political, economic, cultural and ethical risks in the country selected (30%)
• Identification and evaluation of business opportunities (30%)
• Use of appropriate examples of companies to support arguments (10%)
• Conclusion and recommendations based on findings. Do you recommend that the company you are representing should invest? Which market entry strategy would you propose? Ensure your findings and recommendations are consistent with the foregoing analysis (20%)
• Referencing (APA 6th should be used) (5%)
Length: Minimum 2500 words and a Maximum of 3000
References: A minimum of 10 appropriate references all of which are cited in your bibliography.
– Also ensure you submit to Turnitin

Guidance notes
Some general points on the coursework assignment in relation to allocation of marks.
The analysis you conduct should always be in the context of what your findings mean for the company and the impact it may have on them.

1. Presentation and Structure (5%)
• Your report should be typed with a font size 12, 1.5 spacing and it must look professional. Paragraphs in the document should be justified. The report needs to be well-structured, divided into numbered sections that correspond logically to the coursework brief. Include an overall introduction and conclusion.

2. Analysis of political, economic, cultural and ethical risks in the country selected (30%)
• In relation to the country risk analysis you should consider/address the following issues in your analysis including:
• What form of political system exists? (totalitarian/democratic); what kind of economic policies exist? (Government controlled/regulated/free market); what kind of social system? (regulated/controlled by govt. /individual freedoms).
• …the Root Model (optional), applied in terms of instability risk; ownership/control risk; operations risk; transfer/repatriation risk.
• What incidence of cultural/ethical risks exist, as evidenced by the existence of fundamental cultural differences between host and home (UK, in this case) countries – such as the extent of govt. influence in business, the significance of religion, the existence of an ethnic mix, the degree of toleration of differences, the extent of censorship of information.
• Ethical issues as bribery/corruption, poor working conditions/low wages, oppression of minorities, environmental damage.

3. Identification and evaluation of business opportunities (30%)
• In relation to the analysis of business opportunities you should consider/address the following issues in your analysis including:
• Evaluation of income levels (in terms of ‘poor’/middle class/rich elites), demographics, education systems.
• Consumers’ buying habits, degree of domestic/other ‘foreign’ competition
• Whether foreign industrial products/service provisions are in (rising) demand in the country.
• Whether the country is a free market economy and of the degree of government ‘welcome’ afforded to foreign investors.

4. Use of appropriate examples of companies to support arguments (10%)
• In relation to the use of corporate examples of businesses to support your argument you might consider/address the following issues in your analysis:
• Which companies can be identified as having been either successes or failures in the country selected for the analysis?
• Further corporate examples to illustrate particular points, say, in respect of negotiation with governments/involvement in bribery ‘issues’/alliance formation with (or acquisition of) domestic companies, management of local workforces.

5. Conclusion, recommendations and proposed market entry based on findings (20%).
• In relation to the conclusion, recommendations and proposed market entry strategy you might consider/address the following issues in your analysis including:
• Do you recommend that the company you are representing should invest? Has the country got more opportunities than risks – clearly, your conclusion has to be consistent with the analysis which you have done, so that you can provide reasons for your choice of country into which the British retailer should invest. You should reinforce the recommendation with advice as to the market entry strategy which should be chosen.
• In terms of proposing a market entry strategy while this section carries ‘only’ 20% of the marks you should consider what method of entry might be most appropriate for the recommended country as an opportunity to enhance your overall answer.
• You should use examples to support your comments e.g. foreign company X has successfully used a joint venture/alliance with a local retailer, or cite a foreign company which has acquired a local operator – but remember that market entry may not always take only one form (as with Tesco in some Asian countries, with wholly owned subsidiaries, alliances, and acquisitions all being used).

6. Referencing (APA 6th to be used) (5%)
• Be careful with your referencing of external material, to avoid accusations of plagiarism.
• The report should be written in your own words with any (short) quotes being in quotation marks, and all references to books/journals/websites being given (in short form) at the point in the text where they are cited and in full form in your end of text bibliography/references section.
• Ensure you use the new APA 6th referencing style adopted by the ENU Business School. A copy of the guide can be found on the Moodle page and at the following link:

General marking guidelines
Below is a schedule, to help you judge what you need to do to achieve any given mark range. Please note this is a general description of how you might achieve a certain percentage and may not apply to all elements of your coursework.

Less than 40% – a poor assignment, the student has not answered the assignment properly. There may be a number of errors including insufficient explanation of the theory, and a limited ability to interpret the ideas to practical situations.

40-49% a weak assignment, the student shows partial understanding of the issues but possibly combined with errors and/or insufficient or unclear explanation of the key points. There is limited interpretation of the issues in relation to the real world.

50-59% a good assignment, with most of the key points correctly stated, the student demonstrates an ability to interpret at least some of the issues and makes a reasonable attempt at explaining the theoretical concepts.

60-69% a very good assignment with minimal errors. Demonstrates an understanding of the key issues and is thorough in its analysis of the issues and theoretical concepts. The student shows strong critical and analytical ability.

70-79% an excellent assignment which is well written and explained. It will demonstrate a clear understanding of the issues, using a high level of critical and analytical ability.

80% + an exceptional assignment, which is sophisticated in its approach while being correct in every particular detail. Extremely high level of critical ability is demonstrated with original thought being evident.



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