Recent draft: Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation , Three thing as key for success in business

Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation , Three thing as key for success in business

  • Introduction and Background (2000 words)

1.1         Introduction

1.2         Background to the study

1.3         The research problem

1.4         Rationale (reason for the study)


1.5         Aim and objectives of the study


  1. To explore the concept of Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation as as the key for success in business
  2. To examine the existing literature regarding Diplomacy ,Dialogue , negotiation as as the key for success in business
  3. To examne the level of Diplomacy , Dialogue , Negotiation skills in the business
  4. To investigate the the importance of Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation to managers and employees in private sector .
  5. Identify profit for different business sector .
  6. To identify the benfit/profit of Diplomacy , Dialogue  and  negotiation for different business sectors

1.6         Research questions

Do the mangers need Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation skill?

Do the employees need to lean on the Diplomacy , Dialogue  and negotiation skills?

What is the Gap analysis between managers and employees in relation to Diplomacy , Dialogue  and negotiation? .


1.7         The relevance and contribution to the study

1.8         Structure of the dissertation


  • Literature review (7000 words)

2.1.   Introduction

Writer will derive subtopic from the research objectives

2.2.   Conclusion


  • Research methods (2500 words)

3.1         Introduction

3.2         Research purpose

3.3         The research approach adopted

3.4         Research methods used-

Writer will use Interviews for managers and employees

3.5         Sampling method

3.6         Data analysis

3.7         Validity and reliability- triangulation

3.8         Pilot Study

3.9         Ethical concerns

3.10     Limitations

3.11     Conclusion

  • Data Findings and Presentation of results (4000 words)

4.1 Introduction

4.2  Presentation of the results


  • Data Analysis and Discussion (6000 words)

5.1.   Introduction

5.2.   Overview


5.3.   Discussion of the specific objectives


5.4. Conclusion


  • Conclusions and Recommendations (2000 words)

6.1.   Introduction

6.2.   Conclusions

6.3.   Implications of the study

6.4.          Recommendations



Appendix 1:


Required  70-80 sources (Mainly recent sources between 2005 to 2015)



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