Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation , Three thing as key for success in business
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Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation , Three thing as key for success in business
1.1 Introduction
Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or even parties with an intention of reaching a collective agreement (Terris & Tykocinski, 2014). In such a scenario, the authors show that with negotiation, there might be more than one party involved in the dialogue (Terris & Tykocinski, 2014). On the other hand, diplomacy involves those procedures that are employed with an aim of to manage conflict and creating peace (Prutianu, 2008). Differently, Thomas & Tonra (2012) point out that dialogue involves the procedures developed in the conversation process between different individuals who have different views on various issues (Zartman, 2005). The negotiation, dialogue and diplomatic procedures involved in any organization are done with a general intention of gaining mutual gains and procedures of solving problems (Zartman, 2005). Such activities might be official or might be unofficial procedures, which occur in businesses, non-profit organizations, government systems or between any other systems (Zartman, 2005). Moreover, according to Windsor (2007), businesspersons in any environment need to have the special skills to use when negotiating, getting into a dialogue and diplomatic techniques when addressing the issues addressing and fostering entrepreneurship. Such systems ensure that there is a level of conflict management between different stakeholders in a business (Windsor, 2007).
According to Zartman (2005), these pointers are characterized by the kind of language, the skills of doing these procedures and businesspersons need to be specifically creative when dealing with upgrading businesses and enrichment of business organizations. In addition to this, Zartman (2005) suggests that with such systems of dialogue, diplomacy and negotiation, the most common component is to create a relationship between the different parties, have objectives and have specific targets that ensure bargaining to conclusion.
1.2 Background to the study
With the current business systems around the world globalizing at a very fast rate, business organizations around the world are ventuting into not only new markets, but also getting to create different partnership programs with different stakeholders (Zartman, 2009). Actually, with different players now involved in business systems, these stakeholders are in constant talks when creating partnerships, cooperations and business deals need business organizations to get into any kind of communication (Zartman, 2009). In the same manner, when addressing not all business stakeholders have the skills to negotiate or to get into diplomatic negotiations with their competitors or foreign partners (Zartman, 2009).
On the other hand, according to Schaffzin (2007), for any business to have any form of harmony with its competitors and other stakeholders, tarde has been used as an essential tool for diplomacy and business security. Moreover, with a changing world of business, Schaffzin (2007) posits that new and innovative strategies have to be adopted in response to the challenging systems that develop in business environments. Increasingly, with these strategies put in place, economic dialogue, negotiation and diplomacy has grown particularly in resolution of conflicts between businesses (Kara, 2012).
Terris & Tykocinski (2014) agree that the most efficient and most affective language is one of the most effective and influential power tool in negotiations and any form of business dialogue. Based on Windsor (2007) and Thomas (2009)’s for such dialogue to happen efficiently, the individuals involved should always have political correctness in a diplomatic dialogue and ensure the language they use is essential to all parties involved in these communication.
However, not all business players have these qualities to negotiate, engage in dialogue or in any diplomatic understanding to promote the business organizations into significant and advantageous systems (Thomas, 2009; Windsor, 2007).
1.3 The research problem
According to Wolters (2012), for any business to achieve success of any kind, one of the key ingredients is to have communication procedures that help improve in every aspect of the business. As a matter of fact, Terris & Tykocinski (2014) agree that among the most common players in a business, employess, customers and other partners are most important. Actually, based on the literature, Terris & Tykocinski (2014) suggest that in order to have a business agreement with a customer, employee, suppliers and other players, dialogue is the most important tool to look into. More so, it is evident that with proper strategies of negotiating for business, performance is at an advantage (Wolters, 2012). Performance in any business organization is dependent on motivation of the employees (Wolters, 2012). Therefore, with increased communication systems, dialogue and diplomacy between managers and employees encourage improved performance of these employees. In the end, with improved performance, the business organization are bound to have success (Thomas, 2009).
1.4 Rationale (reason for the study)
1.5 Aim and objectives of the study
- To explore the concept of Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation as as the key for success in business
- To examine the existing literature regarding Diplomacy ,Dialogue , negotiation as as the key for success in business
- To examne the level of Diplomacy , Dialogue , Negotiation skills in the business
- To investigate the the importance of Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation to managers and employees in private sector .
- Identify profit for different business sector .
- To identify the benfit/profit of Diplomacy , Dialogue and negotiation for different business sectors
1.6 Research questions
Do the mangers need Diplomacy , Dialogue , negotiation skill?
Do the employees need to lean on the Diplomacy , Dialogue and negotiation skills?
What is the Gap analysis between managers and employees in relation to Diplomacy , Dialogue and negotiation? .
1.7 The relevance and contribution to the study
1.8 Structure of the dissertation
2.1. Introduction
The aim of the literature make reviews in the chapter to address the research questions by examining the already existing body of writing to extract the critical points of the present knowledge including key findings, methodological and liberal contributions to a specific subject (Prutianu, 2008). Moreover, with Prutianu (2008)’s descriptions, the aim of this chapter is to the main things that are key in the success of the business through evaluation and to critically analyze the relationship between the diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation. The most recent literature was collected and evaluated in order to explore the varying views and opinions as presented by different authors regarding the use of the diplomatic, dialogue and negotiating techniques to address the success of the business. In this case, the literature sought to address the research objectives presented for this study. These objectives included, to explore the concepts of diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation as key for the success of the business besides addressing the procedures of using the methods in the success of the business. In addition to this, the literature sought to address the significance of using these identifiers and addressing the profits and benefits that come with dialogue, diplomacy and negotiation.
2.2. Concepts of diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation for the success of businesses
The literature on diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation shows a variety of approaches that have been employed in different perspectives (Wolters, 2012). Several examples are presented by Fjellstorm (2005), Kostecki and Narcy (2007) and the Higher education business forum (2013) who address the concepts of dialogue, diplomacy and negotiation as used by business systems to address various issues. To begin with, in a case study by Fjellstorm (2005), it is evident that negotiation is generally a process that is involved in the management of relationships. On the other hand, Kostecki and Narcy (2007) point out that negotiation is a human activity that exists between business associates. This suggests that with such views, it is evident that the authors affirm that business negotiation is a critical procedure that addresses the critical point in business relationships that differ between different businesses (Kostecki and Narcy, 2007). Actually, Kostecki and Narcy (2007) seem to agree that business negotiation is the most challenging task in the communication in a businesss system and that it is crucial part of the management teams. As a matter of fact, negotiation between businesses enhance the managers in businesses to implement the organizational strategies (Fjellstorm, 2005).
Meanwhile, in a research paper on promoting dialogue in business systems by the Higher education forum (2013), it is evident that with rapid change in the 21st century, business systems need to encourage stakeholders on confidentiality and competence of the products and services. Actually, the reports in the Higher education forum (2013) say that dialogue in business is critically involved in encouraging, collaborating and ensuring there is effective communication between business stakeholders.
Contrarily Meerts (2015) points out that dialogue is a system that bridges the gap between business entities.
Further, in the article ‘Diplomatic negotiations: Essence and evolution’ by Meerts (2015), it is evident that negotiations are vital instruments in ensuring a relationship between different parties. According to Meerts (2015), the differing parties in any dispute, for continuance, that will likely endanger the maintainance of peace and security, shall, first, seek a solution by negotiatiations. More so, Meerts (2015) point out that after looking at negotiations, the parties can do an enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration needs to provide the principles and guidelines with the hope of resolving these issues. While this is true, these author seems to address the procedures of negotiation involved in creating a relationship between different countries. A key drawback of these presentations by Meerts (2015) is that he do not exactly point out how conflicts between employers and employees are involved in negotiation in organizations. A solution to this concern can however be seen in the reports presented by Kostecki and Narcy (2007) while addressing the procedures of negotiation. According to Kostecki and Narcy (2007), employers and employees are engaged in negotiations when they are addressing salaries, performance and other procedures. From these presentations, Kostecki and Narcy (2007) seem to agree with Meerts (2015) that negotiations are procedures employed when addressing a conflict. Kostecki and Narcy (2007) posits that the actual deed in this case is that negotiations between employees and their employers is supposed to develop into a mutual settlement. Similarly, in the excerpt by Meerts (2015) suggests that in any negotiation, the parties involved in a dispute of any soght can also create or draft a settlement that is a reciprocity through mutual agreement. One question that might be asked from this views concerns the similarity between dialogue, diplomacy and negotiations.
To answer these concerns, one needs to understand what these variables represent in any system. To begin with, Ayuso, Rodriguez & Ricart (2006) present that for any dialogue, business practitioners need to agree and facilitate mutual understanding of the perspectives of the businesses regarding the scope, context and creation of plans for the success of a business entity. Similarly, Ayuso et al., (2006) points out that with dialogue, individuals are now at a position to address the procedures that can be employed in a business organization to achieve profit. For instance, business managers can engage employees through dialogue and discuss different strategies that they can create and implement to ensure customers are retained in the business and that they are improving in productivity. However, while such views seem to suggest what dialogue entails, the prominency of the approaches that address dialogue between different entities seem to revolve around the paradigms of the stakeholders (Schaffzin, 2007). In fact, Schaffzin (2007) says that most of these studies have prominently been used to address the dialogue between business stakeholders with reference to the stakeholder’s theories. According to Schaffzin (2007), business systems have continued to engage in dialogue with an aim of achieving a certain level of profitability while addressing the main aim of the business. To illustrate this, Schaffzin (2007) says that dialogue in any business systems seek to encourage businesses to promote and respect the views of the different parties involved in a dialogue. For instance, business managers need to respect the views of each stakeholders involved in the dialogue (Schaffzin, 2007). The writer posits that in a dialogue, one important factor is for the parties involved to have a mutual understanding on the final decisions and the strategies that they develop at the end of a discussion. More so, with constant dialogue, business managers are able to understand the different views by their employees which can then be addressed purposefully. Nevertheless, whilst the discussion presented by Fjellstorm (2005) shows the significance of a dialogue to any business, one needs to see what other researchers think of when not all the stakeholders meet the requirements of such dialogues.
However, based on the literature material presented by Zartman (2009) and Prutianu (2008), while such procedures are involved in conflict resolution, dialogue and diplomacy do not need a draft for the agreement to be met between parties. Contrarily, Fjellstorm (2005) views the similarity between negotiations and negotiations rather differently. In particular, Fjellstorm (2005) says that in any negotiation, strategies are employed where wide and varied forms of a trained negotiator acts on behalf of each parties. To illustrate this, looking at a new employee who has been hired in a company, the company can agree to negotiate the wages and salaries with the employers through their lawyers. The organization, with its lawyer can draft an agreement that the employees’ lawyer can take a look and address the issues in the salaries that develop from these negotiations. As long as these lawyers agree, then a preferable settlement can be reached. Nonetheless, not all parties involved in the negotiations have lawyers to represent them.
2.3. Using diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation skills for business
2.4. Significance of diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation
2.5. Identifying profits in the business
2.6. Benefits of using diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation in business
2.7. Conclusion
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research purpose
3.3 The research approach adopted
3.4 Research methods used-
Writer will use Interviews for managers and employees
3.5 Sampling method
3.6 Data analysis
3.7 Validity and reliability- triangulation
3.8 Pilot Study
3.9 Ethical concerns
3.10 Limitations
3.11 Conclusion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Presentation of the results
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Overview
5.3. Discussion of the specific objectives
5.4. Conclusion
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Conclusions
6.3. Implications of the study
6.4. Recommendations
Required 70-80 sources (Mainly recent sources between 2005 to 2015)
Prutianu, A., N., D. (2008). Treaty of business communication and negotiation, Polirom, Iasi.
Schaffzin, N., R, (2007). Intelligent Negotiate”, BIC All for entrepreneurs, Bucharest.
Terris, L.G. and Tykocinski, O.E. (2014). Inaction Inertia in International Negotiations: The Consequences of Missed Opportunities’. British Journal of Political Science, July, 1–17.
Thomas, D.C. (2009). ‘Explaining the Negotiation of EU Foreign Policy: Normative Institutionalism and Alternative Approaches’. International Politics, 46, 339–357.
Thomas, D.C. and Tonra, B. (2012). ‘To What Ends EU Foreign Policy? Contending Approaches to the Union’s Diplomatic Objectives and Representation’. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 7:1, 11–29.
Windsor, D. (2007). Toward a global theory of cross-border and multilevel corporate political activity. Business & Society, 46(2), 253-278.
Wolters, T. (2012). Business diplomacy in multinational corporations: An exploratory qualitative study. (Master’s thesis, University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Zartman, I.W. (2005). ‘Concepts: Mutual Enticing Opportunity (MEO)’. PINpoints Network Newsletter. Laxenburg: IIASA, 24, 1–4.
Zartman, I.W. (2009). Gouverner c’est négocier: la construction des systèmes de négociation internationale, paper for the IVth biennale de la négociation, Paris.
Zartman, I.W. (2009). ‘Negotiation as a Choice of Partners’. PINpoints Network Newsletter. Laxenburg: IIASA, 33, 13.
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