Evaluation and development of an optimization method for the home energy management system in the smart grid

Evaluation and development of an optimization method for the home energy management system in the smart grid

Format MLA

Volume of 50 pages (13750 words)

Assignment type : Dissertation

1 Studies: Articles, books, statistics on household consumption in the electricity company and resources available
Household Energy Management Systems, Smart Power Distribution Network Review and explore various optimization methods
Suitable (Linear / Convex, Random …). Will be studied.
2. Study of System Structure: Structure and Architecture of Energy Management System and Smart Distribution Network
A review has been made, its features are being studied. Then an overview about the different types
The optimization methods that have already been used will be considered.
3. Modeling and Optimization Algorithm: After considering the home energy management system and its structure,
The related formulas for optimizing the home-based energy management system with respect to distributed demand side products
Or electric storage, and in terms of power consumption response in the smart grid
He takes In the next step, implementing an appropriate optimization method in the software environment and comparing it with one
Regular control will be considered.
4. Economic analysis: The costs of related equipment and machinery, energy storage, management systems
Energy and control equipment, according to the optimization and distribution formulas of economic load and economic justification,
Calculated. Amount of required financial resources, available technologies, energy policies, returns
The cost of primary capital and so on.
5. Analysis and interpretation of the results: The results obtained from the previous paragraphs are analyzed and interpreted. amount
Cost savings based on economic analysis, reduced consumption, equipment and more
Household energy management systems technologies and comparison of conventional control method with optimized case method
The review later


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