Topic: City form, land values and land use

Topic: City form, land values and land use

Pages: 1, Double spaced
Sources: 1
Order type: Coursework
Subject: Economics
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)
Order Description
The objective is this assignment is to test how the theoretical models of bid-rent curve, land use, density and urban form apply to Melbourne.
There are two stages to the assignment: (i) data gathering and (ii) application and explanation.Assignment 2: City form, land values and land use

The objective is this assignment is to test how the theoretical models of bid-rent curve, land use, density and urban form apply to Melbourne.

There are two stages to the assignment: (i) data gathering and (ii) application and explanation. We will construct a model of Melbourne by making some of the assumptions similar to Von Thunen. These are:

1. City has one road (shown in blue in the map below) that originates at Blyth Street in the North and terminated at St Kilda in the South. Beyond St Kilda is the sea and city can’t go further than that.
2. The mode of transport is tram that goes along the blue line (in reality, there are more than one tram that would have to be taken if the full length has to be travelled).
3. There is one CBD on this blue line (which we don’t know where it is).
4. Different uses occupy the space along this blue line and you have been taught by your Professor and tutors that the use that bids the highest occupies the space in the CBD (you, of course, don’t trust their word and why should you? You need to test before you will believe).

Tasks: you have to prepare the following:
1. Bid – rent curve: You need to draw the bid-rent curve by plotting land value/sqm on y axis and distance on x axis. You are allowed to look for land sale data within 1 km of blue line to find information on land value/sqm. Identify few locations along the blue line and look for data on land value/sqm.
2. Land use – You need to identify type of activities (uses) that occur along the blue line. This needs to be drawn with different uses represented in different colours on both sides along the blue line.
3. Density – You need to draw density diagram along blue line for different plots of land. This can be done by counting number of floors of buildings on both sides along the blue line.
Information 1 should be represented in a graph. You may represent information 2 & 3 together in one graph or drawing. Hand drawn sketch is also fine for 2 & 3, to the extent it is in proportion.

4. Write 100 words of summary (or conclusion) on what your graphs are telling you about land use, land value and urban form.

You are required to prepare one inforgraph (A3 size) that will contain three figures in total (one figure for each information 1,2 and 3, respectively) and only 100 words summary or conclusion. In case you are representing 2 & 3 in a single figure then your infograph will contain two figures in total and 100 words summary or conclusion. Also, please include the list of reference in Harvard style on the same infograph.