Topic: clinical port folio
Pages: 9, Double spaced
Sources: 15
Order type: Assignment
Subject: Nursing
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)
Order Description
Cardiovascular Nursing 2
Assessment 2 Clinical Portfolio
To support your assessment you must submit to the lecturer a portfolio that summarises your practice to show you have actively participated in emergent situations in your cardiovascular nursing practice location. The portfolio must include the episode, referral process, analysis of the event, reflection on your own learning, which may have arisen from review of the literature and key discussion with colleagues. A good way to set your portfolio out is to:
Provide an introduction that introduces your practice area, role and experience
Three emergent “life threatening” / “deteriorating patient” events that you have been involved in
You should introduce each event to set the scene
Discuss your role in the event and rationalise the treatment given
Conclude with critical reflection upon the event, what you learnt, what you did well, what you would or would not do next time
Include review of literature relevant to each event
Submit your portfolio to the assignments folder
Workplace assessor feedback is highly regarded for this task but is not mandatory.
Remember the portfolio is meant to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and ability to critically reflect upon your practice and knowledge. Please contact the unit coordinator if you have any concerns about completing this assessment.
Portfolio: key resources
Clinical Reasoning Cycle Poster.pdf
5 Rights of Clinical Reasoning Poster.pdf
Examples of SAO or Journal entry (NB these are basic examples, graded at pass or low credit)
Very basic (pass or low credit level only) Example journal entry CNA 519.pdf
Very basic (pass or low credit level only) SAO example CNA 519.pdf
Assessment 2 rubric
Word Limit: 2500 words equivalent
I am okay with either style of submission, one is more action orientated and one is more reflective. The submission must demonstrate awareness of scope of practice within these situations and demonstrate extension of your undergraduate knowledge and skills.