Topic: Cognitive bias on vaccinations
Pages: 5, Double spaced
Sources: 11
Order type: Research Paper
Subject: Psychology
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)
Order Description
in the context of investigating attitudes towards vaccinations, can the cognitive bias be overcome.
Using the picture there are three hypothesis that need to be included. the information about the study is uploaded.
ere are important documents relating to the PSYC105 2017 confirmation bias and vaccination study.
Busse et al paper: This is to use for the citation for the vaccination attitudes scale
Study design flow chart: This diagram describes the design and procedures of the study.
Survey: This is a copy of the entire survey. Note that there are 3 different conditions in this study, all of which are included in this survey document, but each participant of the study only completes (sees) one of the three.
Methods + results document: This contains details for you to use for the method and results of the report
Starter references:
1. Hernandez, I., Preston, J. L. (2013). Disfluency disrupts the confirmation bias. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 178-182.
2. Horne, Z., Powell, D., Hummerl, J. E., & Holyoak, K. K. (2015). Countering antivaccination attitudes. Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Science, 112, 10321-10324.
3. Nickerson, R. (1998). Confirmation bias: A ubiquitous phenomenon in many guises. Review of General Psychology, 2, 175-220.
4. Shelby, A., Ernst, K. (2013). Story and science: How providers and parents can ulitilse storytelling to combat anti-vaccine misinformation. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 9, 1795-1801.
The conditions were as follows:
1.Disfluency (factual information about vaccine safety presented in Comic Sans italicised font)
2.Fluency (factual information about vaccine safety presented in Arial normal font)
3.Anecdotal (positive vaccine information presented in an anecdotal manner)