Topic: Recruitment and Selection for West Central Florida Medical Center
Number of slides: 8
Sources: 0
Order type: PowerPoint Presentation
Subject: Business
Professional Human Resource Simulation
Your instructor should have assigned you “West Central Florida Medical Center” to complete your simulation. You should plan to complete and turn in Part I on Recruitment & Selection Only. Note that your “supervisor” at your simulated organization has given you two tasks to complete, and has also provided you with a broad background of what tasks and KSAOs(Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Characteristics)/Competencies to focus on. You have also been provided with a few tips and insights that will help you formulate your plan of action. *Remember you are the Assistant Director in Human Resources and your responses to action should designate as such.
Your output should be a presentation detailing your plan of action to respond to your supervisor. Your presentation should be no more than 10 minutes. Presentations should include your narration and a visual aide with the use of a PowerPoint. Please include a transcript of your verbal presentation for each slide, labeled slide 1,2, etc., you should not read word-for-word off the slides, please elaborate from the bullets on what you are covering.)
Any references need to be properly cited (APA) with a reference page included on the last slide.
**Textbook being used for this class is Human Resource Management, 15th edition. Mathis, Jackson, Valentine, Meglich